
  • Many people when leaving home for a longer period, for example, going on a holiday, wonder how to secure home against burglary. One option is an intrusion detection system, anti–theft shutters and monitoring. However, a thief can watch the house and closed shutters for several days in a row is a clear signal, that the house is empty. Much cheaper and very effective deterrent are light that are turned on – it will signal that someone is at home and thus scare the thief. But how to achieve such functionality and turn on lights only at certain moments of a day and imitate natural human behaviour? This is where a smart home comes into play with functionality of the presence simulator. In this tutorial, we will present how create the presence simulator using a DOMIQ/Base module.

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  • Lighting is apart form heating, ventilation and air conditioning one of the major costs of the use of building. In this tutorial we present the use of DOMIQ/Light module. It lets you build a cheap and efficient lighting control system. In the next part of this tutorial we described a standard configuration and software path of the lighting installation built of the DALI ballasts.

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  • It can be very problematic to control the lighting in particular in big buildings. It is especially noticeable when you want to control many lights at the same time. Therefore we decided to make it easier and we created a script which enables the user to reconfigure scenes using DOMIQ user interfaces or LCN wall buttons.

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  • Integration with audio systems is one of the most desirable features of an intelligent building. This tutorial is the first of a series of tutorials that will present integration between the DOMIQ and SONOS products.

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  • En este tutorial, se muestra la forma de integrar su propia estación meteorológica P03/3-MODBUS Elsner Elektronik DOMIQ/Serial-4MB utilizando el módulo.

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  • Gastos de calefacción es uno de los más altos costos de mantenimiento. En este tutorial, nosotros le diremos cómo reducir y cómo controlar su sistema de calefacción de una manera más cómoda.

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  • En este tutorial vamos a mostrar cómo utilizar los módulos de DOMIQ para integrarse con cualquier dispositivo RS-232 con protocolo de transmisión.

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